
اندريا يحصد جائزة SN 2019

الأحد 19 يناير 2020 08:59 صباحاً المشاهدة(14)

Among it’s annual awards selected by it’s (Consulting Board), Steel Network (Arab Steel Platform) Steel-Network.com is honored to announce (Eng. Andrea Diasparro) one of the Top Influencers 2019 in Arab Steel market, The result is based on the market customer survey.
Eng. Andrea is Vice President, Key Account Management of DANIELI, one of the top providers of Steel technology to Arab region,
About Eng. Andrea Diasparro,
He has been graduated as Mechanical Engineering Technician and has about 20 years of experience in the Metal Industry, with particular reference to the Rolling Mill field, starting his career in the Engineering Department.
He has then moved to the Project Office, with extensive experience in Site activities such as Erection & Commissioning, also being in charge of Project implementation as Site Manager.
He has gained wide experience in purchasing and procurement of plants and technologies, worldwide.
Since 2007, he has joined Danieli & C., working in the technical & commercial department of the Danieli Morgardshammar Bar & Wire Rod mill division, becoming head of the department and being appointed Vice President, Sales.
From September 2013 has moved to Key Account Management, in charge of Marketing Strategies & Business Development in the Turkish and MENA Regions for all Product Divisions of Danieli Group.
Since August 2017 is has been promoted as Technical & Sales Director, in charge of Marketing Strategies & Business Development for Turkey, Africa, Middle East and India for all Product Divisions of Danieli Group.Marketing Strategies & Business Development for Turkey, Africa, Middle East and India for all Product Divisions of Danieli Group.

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